
23 januari 2024 - Raleigh, North Carolina, Verenigde Staten

Now I know how to pronounce this name. I've heard different versions but the real locals say RRaelly (with that rolling R and the L that the tongue comes out. Something like that). I only saw a glimp of this city, for two reasons: most days were packed with (great!) conference stuff from morning to midnight, secondly, I didn't bring my ski-outfit and it was freezing. However, it was a nice neighborhood where the houses are built in a different style from Cali. More romantic, less practical. Just my small, unfounded observation. Despite the name, North Carolina is considered to "the South" as I could hear in the accents and words used like "y'all" and "ain't". My good black gospel memories!

30th Anniversary Catch the Fire in Raleigh

January 20th 1994 is marked as the start of the revival in Toronto, later better known by "the Toronto blessing". Thousands and thousands individuals from over the world were radically and permanently transformed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. John and Carol Arnott were pastors at that time of a small church and this church grew out to a worldwide ministry "Catch the Fire", hosting His Presence and passing on the fire to whoever is longing for a deep encounter with the Father's love. I'm caught by the passion of the Father for this world and His desire to be in deep intimacy with us. Once you've really looked into the eyes of Jesus, you can't say anymore that He isn't alive or doesn't care. I met Him, 35 years ago and that's why I so much love to gather with passionate people from all over the world to worship the same Jesus and to see Him working in many different ways. I watch Him restoring and healing, providing and pouring out new life and joy in people's lives. He's so good.


Throughout my trip, Noah and I have been actively preparing for the conference we will be hosting in April in Ede with John and Carol, the founders of Catch the Fire. Although they're in their eighties, they're still on fire and traveling the world to share. If you like to check out the website (still a work in progress but that's okay;) www.deeper-still.nl 

US versus the Netherlands

-Do you know that you can't find a duvet (=dekbed)unless you go to IKEA? Hotels, airbnb's, households, they all make the bed with blankets and sheets like our grandmothers used to do long time ago.

-Do you know that the drinking water is gross and that you need a filter to make it better? We are really favored in our country with the water quality!

-Do you know that many houses have their main entrance in the middle of the living room? At least in California. No hallway or something.

-Do you know that the names of the street are hanging high up in the air, where streets are crossing. If you enter this crossing, you look up and see the name of the street that you are crossing- not the name of the road you are on. It always confuses me. Because it's hanging above my road. 

-Do you know that most American people are quick to assist and are respectful on the road? They also respect others' personal space and readily offer apologies when accidental bumps happen. And they don't cut lines. Returning to the Netherlands each time feels like a bit of a cultural shock. In the United States, people wait for one another and say, "Go ahead, you can go first." Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, when you're waiting to board a bus with a suitcase and backpack, what happens? People let you struggle and take advantage by quickly stepping in first! Really.

-Do you know that American are more prudish than us Dutchies, but that the doors of their public restrooms don't make you feel sitting private inside? The closed door has about a 3 cm gap on both sides, allowing a clear view. You can observe people hand washing and walking in and out so they also can spy on you doing stuff inside.. 

-Do you know American love convenience? Cars over bikes, elevators over stairs and machines for everything. Every frozen meal you can think of in the grocery and even pre-cooked and peeled eggs in a handy plastic package. Bread is made in such a special way you can keep it for three weeks without turning green. But tastes like the grains and every nutrient are replaced with sugar and other chemical stuff...(just my Dutch opinion).

On my way home

On the plane again. My first flight to New York was delayed and I had some hustle at the desk at the airport because I would miss my connection to Amsterdam. Finally they gave me two tickets, one for my original connection and one for the second. But it all worked out well, will be landing in about four hours, Tuesday morning. The Netherlands is six hours ahead on North Carolina, so I better can try to get some sleep! Yay, I've three seats, lucky me!

Thanks again for the comments, I love to read them. For now I've no other trips on the horizon, hopefully Lotte will be able to come over this summer.

Love, Marieke

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6 Reacties

  1. Yvonne Looye:
    23 januari 2024
    Hi Marieke, dank voor het meelezen van je reis. Weer heel leuk en inspirerend. Welkom thuis en take your time to settle in.
  2. Marieke aarsman:
    24 januari 2024
    zo leuk dat je me nog steeds volgt! Thanks voor je mee(be)leven;)
  3. Rita van der Molen-Kuipers:
    23 januari 2024
    Mooi dit alles, ik ga eens kijken naar de conferentie in april. Het is weer een hele bijzondere tijd geweest voor jou.
    Hier is elke dag ook van alles te beleven, en ja, Lotte en jullie zullen elkaar wel echt missen....... Tot gauw ziens hier, het begint net te regenen in Leusden.
  4. Huub:
    23 januari 2024
    Hi Marieke,
    Great you kept us informed about your trip. From relative warm California to cold and freezing North Carolina. In my memories I go back to Massachusetts where I once experienced during winter time a perceived temperature of -45 degrees Celsius due to a strong polar wind.
    By now you're back home in a relative warm but rainy Holland. Enjoy.
  5. Marieke aarsman:
    24 januari 2024
    that's really cold, Huub! How do you deal with that, staying inside and turning the heater as highest as possible? Hopefully they provide shelter for the homeless!! Now I feel much better in the Netherlands;) Thanks for following again!
  6. Lotteke:
    31 januari 2024
    Leuk om te lezen weer! Helemaal die verschillen tussen Amerika en Nederland; ik sta er zelf ook nog steeds van te kijken soms haha!