Defrosting in the Californian sun

29 januari 2022 - Redondo Beach, California, Verenigde Staten

My flight                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It was 4.00 am my alarm went off. I checked out of the hotel where I had been staying for 3 nights, took the shuttle to the airport, and dropped my suitcase off. I was perfectly ready for the paperwork of vaccins and test and Esta and all that but they were hardly interested, so that was a relaxed start. On the airplane more relaxation was waiting for me: I had 3 seats for myself, YES!  The pilote seemed to be very relaxed too; we've been waiting for an hour and a half until taking off. But I could stretch out for 6 hours, no complaints;).

California                                                                                                                                                                                                                          So good getting off the plane into a 20 degrees soft breeze and knowing Lotte is waiting for me outside. Usually going through customs takes hours but this time everything had been checked in Toronto already, I could walk straight to the bagage claim! Lotte was able to work from home that day so she could pick me up. Then she showed me proudly her new, nice apartment in Redondo Beach where she's living with Ryan and Beau the dog. So happy for her. My hotel is just across the street, super easy to walk in and out. We shopped, walked the dog and went out for dinner until I "passed out" haha I was already up for 21 hours, because of the early start and the 3 hour time difference.  

Plans and COVID                                                                                                                                                                                             Wednesday morning. I was about to check out, take an Uber, pick up my rental car, drive to aunt Willy in Apple Valley and to stay with her for a few days. For I noticed a little bit of a soar throat, I took a self test to make sure she was safe... I didn't expect it would turn out POSITIVE!  I called Lotte who'd just arrived at work, she returned immediately and got herself tested as well (negative, thankfully). I canceled Uber, car, aunt Willy and took a PCR test to make it official. And booked my hotel for another 5 days...     

Well, IF you get Covid, then this by far, is the best place to be! My hotelroom is situated on the outside, I walk out straight into fresh air, there are just a few people here, I can sit at the pool, all alone, to the beach is a 20 min. walk with plenty space to keep distance. Lotte visits me, bringing ginger tea and dinner and we can talk for hours;)  My symptoms are mild like a cold, headache and less energy. As much as I would like to visit people yet, I feel these days of rest is a very good plan.. .   

Day by day                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The results of a PCR test supposed to be delivered within 72 hours. Mine didn't. I got an email that it has been delayed. No idea what that means, did they lose it? Do I need to test again? I've still one week left, plan is to meet a friend in San Diego, staying for 1 night, celebrating Lotte's birthday on Wednesday and visiting aunt Willy and Peter's cousins in Hesperia. We'll see how that will work out, since I need a negative test before I can go anywhere. I'm not planning anymore;) My flight home is changed too, I'm leaving one day later, so yes, Lord I got it: let go, don't try to control, just go with the flow:))

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6 Reacties

  1. COR:
    30 januari 2022
    Wat een verhaal! Nice pics overigens.
  2. Yvonne Looye:
    30 januari 2022
  3. Huub:
    30 januari 2022
    Hi Marieke, you're fully vaccinated and boosted, I assume. Otherwise you probably wouldn't have been allowed to enter Canada and or the USA. Grazy to see that people like you still catch covid-19. Sometimes I am wondering what's going on this specific topic.

    Hope you get your PCR results quickly and that you recuperate fast. Enjoy the time in California and a safe trip back home again.
  4. Marieke aarsman:
    31 januari 2022
    Hi Huub, thanks for your support;) Yes fully vaccinated, 3 shots. I guess my immune system got low, effected by sleep deprivation, intensive weeks and less Vit D. I got the PCR results meanwhile. I'm getting better now, waiting for a negative test..hopefully soon.
  5. Petra Schoen:
    30 januari 2022
    Oh wat balen! Maar ja, als je dan toch ergens in quarantaine moet, dan maar in het zonnetje aan het strand… sterkte! Let it go, let it goooooo… Hopelijk snel een negatieve testuitslag! Be blessed! 😘
  6. Tony Schaap:
    30 januari 2022
    Hoop dat je snel opknapt en genieten kunt ondanks de Corona aanval. Fijn dat je toch nog aan het genieten bent en warm weer hebt om bij te komen van de kou in Canada. Als je daar had gezeten zat je nu opgesloten in je huis. Nog bedankt voor je kaartje, heel lief. Groeten en sterkte van ons beiden.